Personal Right

China ensures the citizens right to subsistence and development personal rights and property rights freedom of religious belief of speech of the press of the assembly of association of procession and of demonstration the right to social security and education as well as other economic political social and cultural rights the white.
Personal right. Personal rights definition is rights as of personal security personal liberty and private property appertaining to the person. Among personal rights are associated rights to protect and safeguard the body most obviously protected by the torts of assault and battery. Personal rights refers to the rights which a person has in relation strictly to the duties owed to him by others and the wrongs consequent to the breach or violation of such duties. Personal rights are not rights of person.
Personal rights synonyms personal rights pronunciation personal rights translation english dictionary definition of personal rights. As the rights of a personal security personal liberty and private property. Furthermore aspects of personality are protected such as a person s reputation and honour by the tort of defamation and legislation protecting the privacy of individuals and freedom of movement. These rights are protected in both civil and criminal law and in some cases they are included in documents like constitutions and charters infringements upon personal rights can result in penalties like fines as well as prison time depending on the type of infringement involved.